Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 04:30:31 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #220 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Wed, 10 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 220 Today's Topics: AMSAT ANS-218 BULLETINS ARLK031 Keplerian data ARLK032 Keplerian data ORBS$217.WEATH.AMSAT STS-65 Commemorative TLI Burn Student Space Action Announces Home Page Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 7 Aug 1994 20:12:49 -0600 From:!ucsnews!!!usc!!!!! Subject: AMSAT ANS-218 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-218.01 KO-25 KEPLERIAN ELEMENTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 218.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD AUGUST 6, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-218.01 KO-25 NASA Keps Track The Wrong Satellite For the past several weeks many amateurs have noted that the NASA keps for KO25 have not produced accurate AOS and LOS times observes AMSAT-NA Orbital Data Manager Ray Hoad (WA5QGD). With the help of W5IU, K5EKH, and KG5OA, numerous KO-25 passes have been observed in conjunction with other objects in the KO-25 launch group. The consensus of this study is that the object NASA tracks as Catalog #22828 may actually be KO25. In order to help remove this confusion, the keplerian elements for Catalog #22828 will be included (for the near future) in the weekly kep- lerian element set published on INTERNET. Please post any comments on the accuracy of the Cat. #22828 keps in tracking of KO25 as messages addressed to WA5QGD on either KO-23 or KO-25 digital satellites. The NASA Orbital Information Group has been advised of the tracking problem with KO25. Note: The most accurate way to determine whether a transmitting satellite fits a set of keplerian elements is to observe the frequency of the satellite's transmission at the Time of Closest Approach (TCA). For low orbit birds, this corresponds to the time of maximum elevation given by most tracking programs. At this time there will be no doppler shift and the transmission frequency should match the published channel frequency (assuming no shift due to other causes). If a set of keps meets these requirements, it is a good match for the satellite. This method will give more consistent results than the AOS/LOS method. [The AMSAT News Serive (ANS) wishes to thank Ray Hoad (WA5QGD) for this bulletin item.] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-218.02 SSTV ON OSCAR 13 HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 218.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD AUGUST 6, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-218.02 SSTV ON OSCAR 13 Slow scanners are invited to join the SSTV sessions on AMSAT-OSCAR-13 (AO-13). The frequency is 145.955 MHz. The Net meets at 45 minutes before Mode S, and on Mode B following Mode S on Saturdays and Sundays. Join these sessions or contact for other skeds and he will coordinate your efforts. DATE TIME 13-AUG-1994 15:50UTC and 17:55 UTC 14-AUG-1994 14:43UTC and 16:48 UTC Please disseminate widely: clubs, local nets, etc. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-218.03 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 218.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD AUGUST 6, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-218.03 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 06-AUG-94 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: M QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Jul 11 - Sep 12 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 90 | Omnis : MA 230 to MA 30 Mode-BS : MA 90 to MA 120 | Mode-S : MA 120 to MA 122 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 122 to MA 145 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-S : MA 145 to MA 150 |<- S beacon only Mode-BS : MA 150 to MA 180 | Blon/Blat 180/0 Mode-B : MA 180 to MA 256 | Move to attitude 230/0, Sep 12 ========================================================================== N QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Sep 12 - Dec 19 Mode-B : MA 30 to MA 150 |<- OFF Oct 22 - Nov 07 for eclipses Mode-B : MA 150 to MA 190 | max duration 2h 12m Mode-BS : MA 190 to MA 218 | Mode-S : MA 218 to MA 220 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 220 to MA 230 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-B : MA 230 to MA 30 | Alon/Alat 230/0 Omnis : MA 250 to MA 140 | Move to attitude 180/0, Dec 19 The battery charge state is of paramount importance during the eclipse seasons. As always the command team may have to have to make temporary changes to the published schedule. In that case we will try to minimize the inconvenience, setting Mode-B OFF from MA 230-256 in the first instance. ========================================================================== [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] DO-17: DOVE is running a new set of software that tests the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and other hardware and software cap- abilities. It plays digitally generated tones through the DAC and exer- cises software that implements two way communications between the on-board processors. [WD0E for the DOVE Team] RS-10: RS-10 has been working very well. Lots of activity with 2 stations worked /MM I6KYL/MM EL27 and N1KTM/MM EL67. Also on the 28-JUL-94, WC9C heard the station KC6VRK who was on AO-13 as RS-10 pass underneath right after AO-13 went through its perigee; his signal was very strong on the 10M downlink. The CW Robot is back up and working just fine. Also, WA6ARA reports that RS-10 has been sending down excellent signals at his QTH with lots of stations using CW. [WC9C & WA6ARA] AO-10: After last week's glowing report about AO-10 sending down excellent signals, ZL2TPO reports that AO-10 has started to "FM" very badly. Up until last week it has been operating quite well and there have been a number of stations operating. Please note that when AO-10 is "FMing," please refrain from using it. [ZL2TPO] KO-25: WH6I reports that KO-25 was in some sort of "loader-mode" earlier in the week. Today, however, the BBS seemed to be working again, but he was unable to send any commands to it. WH6I has not seen anything to indicate what is going on. [WH6I] LO-19: LUSAT-OSCAR-19 (LO-19) is still not running its BBS. [WH6I] IO-27: WH6I still has not heard anything from ITAMSAT. [WH6I] AO-16: Still going strong and very doing well. There is some gateway traffic on AO-16 but not enough to present any problem to other users and the file lifetime on the bird is still quite long. [WH6I] KO-23: KO-23 is going strong and doing well. [WH6I] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ N0QCU. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 06:10:10 MDT From:!ucsnews!!!agate!!psgrain!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ARLK031 Keplerian data To: SB KEP @ ARL $ARLK031 ARLK031 Keplerian data ZCZC SK98 QST de W1AW Keplerian Bulletin 31 ARLK031 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT August 6, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB KEP ARL ARLK031 ARLK031 Keplerian data Thanks to NASA, AMSAT and N3FKV for the following Keplerian data. Decode 2-line elsets with the following key: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM STS-68 1 99968U 94230.76050690 .00169786 00000-0 85389-4 0 10 2 99968 57.0052 28.8010 0009698 270.9951 89.0013 16.20039161 62 AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 94195.81899517 -.00000239 00000-0 10000-3 0 2900 2 14129 27.0497 317.9184 6025942 194.3808 135.3303 2.05882029 55387 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 94205.76394677 .00000021 00000-0 61233-5 0 9290 2 18129 82.9269 301.0678 0010302 284.6472 75.3539 13.72339428355066 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 94206.57201705 .00000126 00000-0 29120-4 0 7113 2 14781 97.7853 219.4981 0012287 142.1150 218.0921 14.69232874555947 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 94205.88513475 .00000042 00000-0 28212-4 0 7115 2 21089 82.9215 343.4852 0030108 6.5069 353.6469 13.74044138173828 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 94205.91938835 .00000274 00000-0 10000-4 0 9355 2 19216 57.7565 240.1864 7222231 346.4624 1.6687 2.09718427 15306 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 94206.22284695 -.00000006 00000-0 14630-4 0 131 2 20437 98.5894 290.4825 0012008 78.9012 281.3516 14.29850235235026 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 94206.20702088 .00000003 00000-0 18130-4 0 8113 2 20439 98.5977 291.7399 0012239 79.4923 280.7641 14.29904338235030 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 94206.22761656 -.00000004 00000-0 15240-4 0 8125 2 20440 98.5991 292.0970 0012389 78.8466 281.4111 14.30043974235052 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 94205.78381851 -.00000004 00000-0 15267-4 0 8142 2 20441 98.5990 291.6570 0012956 80.7533 279.5114 14.30018047234996 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 94206.24921416 .00000001 00000-0 17383-4 0 8105 2 20442 98.5996 292.3827 0013298 79.1581 281.1094 14.30114763235079 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 94206.26040988 -.00000051 00000-0 -35431-4 0 7081 2 20480 99.0420 350.8957 0539824 253.2264 100.8961 12.83226193209016 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 94205.15751765 .00000094 00000-0 82657-4 0 4924 2 21087 82.9457 115.3614 0035527 343.6761 16.3239 13.74542534174664 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 94205.73789110 .00000018 00000-0 20773-4 0 5157 2 21575 98.4330 279.4738 0007454 171.9232 188.2073 14.36924859158479 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 94206.41547975 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 4102 2 22077 66.0810 199.9404 0015234 277.3412 82.5876 12.86286814 91707 KO-25 1 22830U 93061H 94206.20302620 -.00000021 00000-0 88397-5 0 3134 2 22830 98.5527 278.5145 0012526 66.4100 293.8394 14.28060612 43126 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 94206.20110340 -.00000005 00000-0 15806-4 0 3085 2 22826 98.6520 281.6684 0010136 97.7120 262.5225 14.27734369 43113 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 94206.22287297 -.00000014 00000-0 12265-4 0 3088 2 22825 98.6518 281.6465 0009366 94.4271 265.7975 14.27629859 43114 PO-28 1 22829U 93061G 94206.20886141 .00000012 00000-0 22305-4 0 3019 2 22829 98.6465 281.7033 0011077 84.7659 275.4787 14.28034406 43124 Mir 1 16609U 86017A 94204.92312268 .00002226 00000-0 37433-4 0 6898 2 16609 51.6480 2.6272 0002451 168.9704 191.1321 15.56655252481748 Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW. The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, August and 9, 1994, at 2230z on Baudot and AMTOR. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 16:48:55 MDT From:!agate!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ARLK032 Keplerian data To: SB KEP @ ARL $ARLK032 ARLK032 Keplerian data ZCZC SK99 QST de W1AW Keplerian Bulletin 32 ARLK032 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT August 9, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB KEP ARL ARLK032 ARLK032 Keplerian data Thanks to NASA, AMSAT and N3FKV for the following Keplerian data. Decode 2-line elsets with the following key: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM STS-68 1 99968U 94230.76050690 .00169786 00000-0 85389-4 0 10 2 99968 57.0052 28.8010 0009698 270.9951 89.0013 16.20039161 62 AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 94215.22805310 -.00000302 00000-0 10000-3 0 2952 2 14129 27.0009 314.8290 6026240 199.5326 120.6764 2.05881876 55785 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 94217.28360494 .00000025 00000-0 11516-4 0 9337 2 18129 82.9261 292.5558 0010124 247.8358 112.1720 13.72339818356645 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 94217.06002530 .00000040 00000-0 14575-4 0 7140 2 14781 97.7858 229.4962 0012777 110.4929 249.7644 14.69234472557488 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 94217.39047551 .00000045 00000-0 32006-4 0 7143 2 21089 82.9224 334.9539 0029126 335.0529 24.9214 13.74044464175408 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 94217.83984689 .00000387 00000-0 10000-4 0 9420 2 19216 57.7558 238.0897 7222395 347.4623 1.5383 2.09718451 15557 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 94218.18895812 .00000006 00000-0 19249-4 0 161 2 20437 98.5892 302.2855 0011936 46.0694 314.1470 14.29851355236737 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 94217.75283107 -.00000015 00000-0 11061-4 0 8144 2 20439 98.5976 303.1403 0012252 47.9314 312.2905 14.29905175236688 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 94218.19210523 -.00000009 00000-0 13563-4 0 8150 2 20440 98.5990 303.9154 0012353 46.3033 313.9171 14.30044972236763 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 94217.74852435 -.00000013 00000-0 12029-4 0 8178 2 20441 98.5971 303.4730 0012875 48.1720 312.0554 14.30019028236703 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 94218.21310999 .00000015 00000-0 22584-4 0 8130 2 20442 98.5997 304.2035 0013244 45.1759 315.0483 14.30116058236782 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 94217.87774967 -.00000003 00000-0 70241-4 0 7119 2 20480 99.0417 0.3238 0539937 226.8819 128.5911 12.83227042210500 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 94219.64318363 .00000093 00000-0 82657-4 0 4970 2 21087 82.9451 104.6442 0034599 302.9191 56.8638 13.74543144176652 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 94218.20224585 .00000014 00000-0 19326-4 0 5184 2 21575 98.4322 291.6827 0008025 134.4659 225.7181 14.36926162160263 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 94217.92262333 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 4135 2 22077 66.0796 175.8457 0015291 273.5107 86.4157 12.86286834 93184 KO-25 1 22830U 93061H 94218.18413095 -.00000061 00000-0 -73176-5 0 3160 2 22830 98.5513 290.2453 0012359 33.3635 326.8318 14.28060392 44831 KO-25? 1 22828U 93061F 94218.18371130 .00000007 00000-0 20487-4 0 2893 2 22828 98.6463 293.5448 0011223 49.3829 310.8324 14.28062056 12917 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 94218.74557302 -.00000007 00000-0 15122-4 0 3117 2 22826 98.6511 294.0850 0010155 63.7174 296.5049 14.27735455 44905 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 94218.20757382 -.00000025 00000-0 75865-5 0 3118 2 22825 98.6513 293.5078 0009619 62.7450 297.4711 14.27630597 44829 PO-28 1 22829U 93061G 94218.19016610 .00000007 00000-0 20563-4 0 3047 2 22829 98.6466 293.5646 0011060 52.1754 308.0431 14.28035627 44837 Mir 1 16609U 86017A 94220.20165059 .00001969 00000-0 33780-4 0 7021 2 16609 51.6470 286.1786 0001163 194.3098 165.7861 15.56747870484123 Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW. The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Saturday, August 13, 1994, at 2230z on Baudot and AMTOR. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 22:34:00 MDT From:!!!psgrain!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ORBS$217.WEATH.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-217.W Orbital Elements 217.WEATHER HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR WEATHER SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX August 5, 1994 BID: $ORBS-217.W TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: NOAA-9 Catalog number: 15427 Epoch time: 94215.73515055 Element set: 901 Inclination: 99.0450 deg RA of node: 266.7740 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015871 Arg of perigee: 84.8632 deg Mean anomaly: 275.4348 deg Mean motion: 14.13633304 rev/day Decay rate: 1.17e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 49697 Checksum: 317 Satellite: NOAA-10 Catalog number: 16969 Epoch time: 94215.76693453 Element set: 797 Inclination: 98.5081 deg RA of node: 223.3165 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012845 Arg of perigee: 186.3620 deg Mean anomaly: 173.7398 deg Mean motion: 14.24900734 rev/day Decay rate: 3.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 40927 Checksum: 332 Satellite: MET-2/17 Catalog number: 18820 Epoch time: 94215.49523818 Element set: 356 Inclination: 82.5407 deg RA of node: 230.9503 deg Eccentricity: 0.0018360 Arg of perigee: 50.0231 deg Mean anomaly: 310.2527 deg Mean motion: 13.84719219 rev/day Decay rate: 2.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 32890 Checksum: 289 Satellite: MET-3/2 Catalog number: 19336 Epoch time: 94213.59427610 Element set: 309 Inclination: 82.5400 deg RA of node: 291.5503 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017190 Arg of perigee: 144.8154 deg Mean anomaly: 215.4104 deg Mean motion: 13.16968250 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28923 Checksum: 280 Satellite: NOAA-11 Catalog number: 19531 Epoch time: 94215.72629249 Element set: 719 Inclination: 99.1755 deg RA of node: 205.8097 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012225 Arg of perigee: 4.3041 deg Mean anomaly: 355.8230 deg Mean motion: 14.13007420 rev/day Decay rate: 7.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 30185 Checksum: 279 Satellite: MET-2/18 Catalog number: 19851 Epoch time: 94213.75597542 Element set: 310 Inclination: 82.5213 deg RA of node: 107.5997 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015552 Arg of perigee: 95.1060 deg Mean anomaly: 265.1868 deg Mean motion: 13.84370156 rev/day Decay rate: 7.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 27399 Checksum: 330 Satellite: MET-3/3 Catalog number: 20305 Epoch time: 94216.17052536 Element set: 106 Inclination: 82.5405 deg RA of node: 236.7979 deg Eccentricity: 0.0005331 Arg of perigee: 169.6805 deg Mean anomaly: 190.4389 deg Mean motion: 13.04422901 rev/day Decay rate: 4.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 22915 Checksum: 286 Satellite: MET-2/19 Catalog number: 20670 Epoch time: 94213.41003535 Element set: 813 Inclination: 82.5455 deg RA of node: 172.5483 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017266 Arg of perigee: 24.6776 deg Mean anomaly: 335.5206 deg Mean motion: 13.84189091 rev/day Decay rate: -2.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 20687 Checksum: 306 Satellite: FY-1/2 Catalog number: 20788 Epoch time: 94215.88224815 Element set: 31 Inclination: 98.8366 deg RA of node: 234.5011 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014887 Arg of perigee: 239.5385 deg Mean anomaly: 120.4308 deg Mean motion: 14.01350503 rev/day Decay rate: -1.99e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 20038 Checksum: 293 Satellite: MET-2/20 Catalog number: 20826 Epoch time: 94213.65208044 Element set: 821 Inclination: 82.5269 deg RA of node: 109.8175 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012367 Arg of perigee: 286.6921 deg Mean anomaly: 73.2884 deg Mean motion: 13.83587320 rev/day Decay rate: 9.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 19404 Checksum: 311 Satellite: MET-3/4 Catalog number: 21232 Epoch time: 94213.31479971 Element set: 720 Inclination: 82.5437 deg RA of node: 137.6981 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014536 Arg of perigee: 72.5269 deg Mean anomaly: 287.7438 deg Mean motion: 13.16463399 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 15729 Checksum: 325 Satellite: NOAA-12 Catalog number: 21263 Epoch time: 94215.74541817 Element set: 123 Inclination: 98.6148 deg RA of node: 242.4707 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013903 Arg of perigee: 97.3891 deg Mean anomaly: 262.8867 deg Mean motion: 14.22434851 rev/day Decay rate: 1.14e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 16726 Checksum: 307 Satellite: MET-3/5 Catalog number: 21655 Epoch time: 94216.15247496 Element set: 729 Inclination: 82.5535 deg RA of node: 82.8772 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014667 Arg of perigee: 73.7291 deg Mean anomaly: 286.5437 deg Mean motion: 13.16832975 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14277 Checksum: 338 Satellite: MET-2/21 Catalog number: 22782 Epoch time: 94213.36733443 Element set: 322 Inclination: 82.5485 deg RA of node: 170.6331 deg Eccentricity: 0.0023958 Arg of perigee: 97.1572 deg Mean anomaly: 263.2315 deg Mean motion: 13.83011259 rev/day Decay rate: 4.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 4633 Checksum: 284 /EX ------------------------------ Date: 7 Aug 1994 10:09:07 -0400 From:!!!agate!!!!! Subject: STS-65 Commemorative TLI Burn To: reposted from AOL: ================== Date: Thu, Aug 4, 1994 7:43 PM EDT From: Adamod Subj: STS-65 Commemorative TLI Burn File: TLI.sit (58540 bytes) MacSPOC Users- During STS-65, you'll recall MacMission Control supported targeting of a commemorative TransLunar Injection (TLI) burn. Time of IGnition (TIG) for this burn was 25 years to the minute after a similar TLI was performed by Apollo-11 to break free of low earth orbit. The commemorative TLI was tageted to reach a point 100 miles above the moon's farside 25 years to the minute after Apollo-11's Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) burn TIG. With targets from MacMission Control, Flight Dynamics Officers (FDOs) in the real Mission Control filled out a Pre-Advisory Data (PAD) for the commemorative TLI burn. This PAD, together with plots of STS-65's post-TLI trajectory relative to the earth and moon, are enclosed as 3 TeachText documents for your viewing pleasure. An image of the commemorative TLI PAD was uplinked as a FAX to the STS-65 crew around 8:30 AM CDT July 16, 25 years after Apollo-11 was launched. Upon receiving the PAD, STS-65 Commander Bob Cabana remarked, "Don't we wish!" Powered Explicit Guidance mode 7 (PEG 7) targets computed by MacMission Control appear on the PAD as an in-track speed increase of 9586.3 fps, a northward cross-track velocity change of 3073.7 fps, and a radial upward velocity change of 5944.0 fps. Using both Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) engines for a total thrust of 12000 lbs, Columbia would have required a TLI burn duration (TGO) of 2 hrs 03 min 24 sec to build up these velocity changes. Actual OMS fuel available to Columbia at TLI TIG would have supported less than 5 min of 2-engine burn time, and most of this was allocated to STS-65 deorbit. It's worth noting Apollo-11 weighed nearly 200000 lbs at TLI TIG, only about 45000 lbs less than Columbia's WT on the commemorative PAD. Unlike Columbia, however, about 75% of Apollo-11's weight was propellant to feed the Saturn IV-B's single J-2 engine during TLI. Because the J-2 developed about 200000 lbs of thrust, Apollo-11's TLI required less than 6 min to perform. The 2 post-TLI plots are in the ecliptic plane. This is coincident with earth's orbit around the sun. The moon's orbit about earth is less than 5 deg from the ecliptic. The Vernal Equinox indicated on these plots is the Sun's apparent position as viewed from earth when Spring begins in March. The Sun's position in mid-July is also indicated on the plots. Does anyone have a guess as to when the next (manned) TLI burn will be performed for real? -Dan Adamo =================== I'll be glad to send the Mac PICT file in a BinHex'd StuffIt to anyone who requests it. PLEASE send your request to my "other" account... NOT here to my AOL account... the file is to big for that mailer! 73 for now.... c u on the shortwaves Terry Stader - KA8SCP America Online Ham Radio Club Host Internet: (files <28K) or ( files >28K) KA8SCP@WA1PHY.#EMA.MA.USA.NOAM [] ------------------------------ Date: 6 Aug 1994 16:44:00 GMT From:!usc!!!news.Arizona.EDU!seds! Subject: Student Space Action Announces Home Page To: STUDENT SPACE ACTION ANNOUNCES HOME PAGE!! Student Space Action would like to announce the availability of their home page. First of all, Student Space Action is a growing national organization of students who's mission it is to educate people on the values and benefits space exploration has on our everyday lives and deliver a message to Congress on a regular basis that illustrates the strong student support for space exploration. SSA's home page is where you can learn about the organization's projects, including their Online Space Station Petition, as well as other projects at universities around the country. Simply point your World Wide Web browser at the following URL: Thank you for your support. -- Student Space Action "Don't Take Away Our Frontier!" For general responses: For technical or policy inquiries: or We will keep reaching for the stars.... Visit our homepage!